Spring is one of my favorite times of year to photograph. The weather is starting to get oh-so-warm and the smell of freshly bloomed flowers is in the air. I love getting the chance to be back out in nature and photographing pretty things – enter Tip Top Tulips. Tip Top Tulips is located in Ipswich, Massachusetts and literally has the cutest backstory there is.
The owner wanted to make a grand gesture for his mother, just in time for Mother’s Day. What better way to thank her for being such an amazing person than to give her flowers?! Except, he decided to give her row upon row (upon row) of tulips. (Which, by the way, is her favorite flower!) He planted this field of tulips just in her honor and sprinkled little plaques throughout with quotes that reminded him of her. Can we just acknowledge how unbelievably adorable that is?! Scroll down for more about this stunning session and get to know Katelyn!

Katelyn and I virtually met via Instagram. As a social media influencer, Katelyn wanted to get some updated headshots and branding imagery. After chatting a bit with her, we thought that these lush tulip fields would be the perfect backdrop to some spring (and color) to her portraits. Let me tell you that the two of us bonded over our mutual love of Target while snapping away during the most perfect golden hour we ever did see. These outfits were, in fact, from Target and I may or may not have ordered one for myself as soon as I was home! (Shh! Don’t tell my husband 😉 )
To make this session that much more perfect, even though we had only met one another online, it felt like we had been friends forever and were just spending the evening catching up with one another. I love making my clients feel so at ease and comfortable with me and having the chance to hang with Katelyn was just a breeze. To cap off the session, we both ended up picking tulips to brighten up our homes and have a little reminder of the most perfect evening well spent. Can I please have more sessions like this?!

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